Monday, April 4, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who - Cathy Reynolds
What - Won the student of the month award
Where - Bowie High School
When - Last week through a letter
Why - she had good grades and did lots of community work
How - she had good grades, participation, and did lots of community work

Bowie high school student Cathy Reynolds was decided student of the month by the office administrators last week through a letter.

Reyolds was very happy with her award when she won it. "It feels grew, unexpected and I'm so glad I won it."

She was told that she won student of the month by the office administrators. "Last week in a letter."

This achievement is so big that her letter was personally sent by the Principal himself. "The principal sent the letter to me."

It takes a lot of participation and outside of school work to win student of the month. "I have lots of good grades and I do a ton of community work."

Reynolds thinks that winning student of the month will make other students notice and respect her more. When asked how being student of the month would influence her status as a student at Bowie, Reynolds said, "people will respect me more and know who I am.

According to Reynolds, winning student of the month leads to a very positive affect from teachers. "My teachers notice that I am in class and they talk to me more.

Reynolds is very humble about her accomplishment. "It came to me as a surprise because I was sure that there were other students doing better than me."

Winning student of the month requires lots of intense focus and not letting stress get in the way. "I worked hard for my grades and didn't let stress get in the way.

Reynolds thinks that sharing awards with others and likes to tell others about her accomplishments. "I enjoy telling my friends,(about her award) because what's the point of winning an award without sharing it?"

Before winning student of the month, Reynolds didn't have many friends, but apparently she has gained some friends after winning the award. "Everyone hated me (prior to winning student of the month) and I had no friends."

Reynolds reaction to finding out she had won student of the month showed that she definitely was surprised when she got the letter in the mail. Reynolds says "I couldn't believe it, I thought it was so crazy that I was chosen.

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