Tuesday, April 12, 2016

News Values

1. Conflict
2. The article that I chose relates to the reason "conflict" because it is about a man who kindly offered money and wise words of help to young Muslims who were willing to fight in Syria and Somalia, or to cause trouble in Europe. This is a "conflict" because this man believed in harming others as he was part of an internet group who wrote helpful guides on how to fight and travel with ISIS. He has now been arrested.
3. A Brussels Mentor Who taught 'Gangster Islam' to the Young and Angry
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/europe/a-brussels-mentor-who-taught-gangster-islam-to-the-young-and-angry.html?ref=world&_r=0

1. Impact
2. This article relates to the reason "impact" because the article is about a drought in Africa that greatly affects the people and economy around it. This article has an impact on it's audience because it makes people feel bad for the Africans who are having a hard time finding clean water to do their daily activities in a developing country.
3. Drought in Zambia Cuts Electricity and Cripples Economy
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/13/world/africa/zambia-drought-climate-change-economy.html?ref=world

1. Timeliness
2. This article is considered "timeliness" because it is about the time efficient matter of a missing sailor who has to be found before he dies. There are most likely lots of updates on the search for this sailor since the search "continues" and is an article that is insignificant once the sailor is found.
3. Search Continues for Sailor Missing off N.C. Coast
4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/04/10/search-continues-sailor-missing-off-nc-coast/82870982/

1. Human Interest
2. This article relates to "human interest" because it is about an NFL star taking an autistic teen to prom which pulls at the emotional heart strings since the popular football player did it out of kindness. Having a disability is probably very hard and while many people see disabled people as different, the football star takes the time to make this disabled girl feel special.
3. NFL star Steve Smith Sr. to take autistic N.C. teen to prom
4. http://usatodayhss.com/2016/nfl-star-steve-smith-sr-to-take-autistic-n-c-teen-to-her-prom

1. Proximity
2. This article relates to

1. Novelty
2. This article relates to "novelty" because it is about the internet's obsession with food porn. The article talks about why it is so popular right now and why people are making such a big deal out of pictures of food.
3. A closer look at our generation's obsession with food porn

1. Prominence
2. This article relates to "prominence" because since the presidential election is coming up, many people are interested in new advances that the president has like a new plan of Hillary Clinton's. This is a very newsworthy article since it contains information that leads to who will win the upcoming election.
3. How Hillary Clinton plans to hold off Bernie Sanders in New York
4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/04/12/hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-new-york-primary/82926574/

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