Sunday, April 3, 2016

School Uniforms

Assignment 1

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.

  • Jasmine
  • Peyton
  • Alina
2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

  1. Do you think that school uniforms lead to less distractions?
  2. Do you wish that our school had school uniforms?
  3. Do you think that school uniforms would make a better learning environment? Why or why not?
  4. Would you feel comfortable going to a school that made you wear a school uniform?
  5. Do you think that wearing a school uniform would suppress your freedom?
  6. Do you think wearing a uniform would make you too much like everyone else?
  7. Do you feel pity for people who have to wear a school uniform to school?
  8. If your school required you to wear a uniform, do you think your school should pay for it? why?
  9. Do you think that wearing a uniform would make getting ready In the morning easier?
  10. Are you happy that you don't have to wear a uniform to school?
  11. Does the idea of looking like everyone else scare you?
  12. Why do you think some schools have school uniforms while others don't?
  13. Do you think it's true that school uniforms help to improve students' learning?
  14. Are any of your friends happy about getting school uniforms?
  15. Do you think that students may behave better or improve themselves because of new uniforms?
  16. What do you think the new school uniforms will look like?
  17. Do you think that it will be easy getting used to the school uniforms?
  18. Do you think that you will be forced to wear your uniform to school events as well, like games?
  19. Do you think that you will be able to paint your nails?
  20. How do you think that wearing a school uniform will affect your self esteem?

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