Monday, April 4, 2016

My First Interview

#1. What is your name?
-Cathy Reynolds
#2. How does it feel to be student of the month?
-It feels great, unexpected and I'm so glad I won it.
#3. When did you find out that you were chosen for student of the month?
-Last week in a letter
#4. What was your reaction when you found out that you were student of the month?
-I couldn't believe it, I thought it was so crazy that I was chosen
#5. Who told you that you were student of the month?
-The principal sent the letter to me.
#6. Why do you think you were chosen for student of the month?
-Well, I have lots of good grades and I do a ton of community work.
#7.What did the person who told you that you are chosen for student of the month tell you when you were chosen?
-"Congrats" "What a big honor, we are glad to give it to you!"
#8. How do you think being student of the month will influence your status as a student at Bowie?
-People will respect me more and know who I am
#9. How does it feel to be recognized for your work?
-It feels exciting and I'm happy my work paid off
#10. What are the qualifications for becoming student of the month?
-good grades, participation, and community work
#11. What does your family think of you for becoming student of the month?
-They are very proud because they know I'm working hard and that my work paid off
#12. How do you think that other people see you after becoming student of the month?
-They see me as a roll model with more respect
#13. Have people started to treat you differently now that you are student of the month? How do they treat you?
-People treat me mostly the same but they are nicer and they ask me about being student of the month.
#14. How did people treat you before you became student of the month?
-Everyone hated me and I had no friends.
#15. Have your teachers started to treat you differently now that you are student of the month?
-My teachers notice that I am in class and they talk to me more.
#16. Did you have a feeling that you were going to be awarded student of the month or was it more of a surprise?
-It came to me as a surprise because I was sure that there were other students doing better than me.
#17. How did you have to work in school to be awarded student of the month?
-I worked hard for my grades and I didn't let stress get in the way.
#18. Do you enjoy telling people that you are student of the month? why?
- I enjoy telling my friends, because what's the point of winning an award without sharing it?
#19. Do you think that people recognize you as the student of the month when they see you? If so, why?
- I think a lot of people recognize me but not everyone.
20. How many people have you told that you are now student of the month?
-Just family and close friends.

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