Friday, April 22, 2016
1.) Summarize what you watched and read about - let's say 2-3 paragraphs of 3-4 
-This website gave all of the advantages of using iMovie as well as the capabilities of 
using iMovie. The website was the website that owned iMovie so it is possible that they were
trying to advertise their product. The website stated that iMovie was simple and easy to use.
2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
-I already knew that iMovie was an easy way to edit and create homemade movies and films.
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.
-I learned that you could create commercials with iMovie.
4.) What are you concerned about with this final project?
-I am concerned about finding the best situation for my final project.
5.) What are you confident you can complete early and have ready to use?
-I am confident I can complete my photos early and have them ready to use.
6.) If I asked you today, what do you think you will do for your video?
-I think I am going to do some sort of event and preparation for the event for my video.

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