Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finals Extra Credit


a.     What did you see on the website, describe it in 2-3 sentences?

On this website, I saw different photos and the website described different tricks that can be done to take photos and how to do them. The website used different rules of photography to take their pictures than what I had learned.

b.     What did you learn?

I learned how to make a fake tilt and shift photo, how to make a forced perspective photo and how to make a long exposure landscape photo. The website also taught me how to make a digital infrared photo, how to make a double exposure portrait photo and how to make a 360 degree polar panorama.

c.     How did the site relate to photography?

This relates to photography by writing about really cool ways to take awesome pictures as well as displaying photos using the different techniques. the website also provides step by step guides about using photoshop and the camera to achieve the technique.

spiral staircase with railing
a.     Why did you pick this photo?

I picked this photo because I loved all of the texture that is in it. I also find the different colorful lighting very intriguing since it adds a bunch of really cool colors to the photo.

b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo?

In this photo, I notice the rule of viewpoint. The viewpoint is there because this photo would be nothing without it's really cool angle and the way the spiral was taken from above.
c.     Who took the photo?

Christian Richter took this photo.

a.     Describe what you saw in the video.

In this video, I saw several time lapses that were all taken in the city Rio De Jenero. Some of the time lapses were taken during the day but many were taken at night showing all of the city lights.

b.     Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them.

Joe Capra made the video. Capra had been a photographer until he was inspired by a time lapse video and decided he wanted to create one himself.

c.     If there is a story about the video on the website, paraphrase it in 2-3 sentences.

d.     What did you learn new?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Final Exam Review

1. Captions

a. First sentence includes major information about the photo (who, what, where, when, why, how). You may make up the information for this assignment.

b. First sentence should be written in present tense as if the action of the photo is still happening.

c. Second sentence should be past tense, and should include background information.
d. Information in caption should not be obvious by looking at the photo.

e. If there are three or fewer recognizable people in the photo, you must give all of their names (you can make them up for this assignment).

f. Use strong action verbs whenever possible.

A blindfolded Palestinian arrested by Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip is brought to the Israeli side of the border near Kibbutz Kissufim.
Mat Damond sits blindfolded in a desert in Syria before he is murdered my members of ISIS.
He is being murdered because he is Jewish and is not like his other Muslim peers.

Geese crowd their open-air enclosure on a farm in Kuhhorst, Germany. The birds have been ordered for St. Martin's Day and Christmas.
Eurasian geese with distinct red orange noses and white feathers are gathered together in a great mass. These geese gather together as they travel south for the winter to try and escape the cold.

2. Rules of Photography

a. Rule of thirds - aligns the subject along one of the intersects of a three by three grid.
b. Balancing Elements - the effect of the subjects and things in the picture outweighing each other so that the picture seems even and balanced.
c. Leading Lines - the eye of the viewer is lead to the subject by lines in the photo.
d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) - photos that contain repetitive patterns and show visual rhythm and satisfaction and interest.
e. Viewpoint - the position from which the photo is taken or the subject(s) position in the photograph.
f. Background - the area of space behind of the subject.
g. Create depth - done by including objects in the foreground, background, and middle ground. 
h. Framing - the framing of the subject with the surroundings not a literal frame.
i. Cropping - the subject of a part of the picture is zoomed in on.
j. Mergers and avoiding them - awkward placements of subjects with the surroundings.

3. Aperture, Shutter speed, and ISO

Aperture - the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor

Shutter speed - the length of time when the film in a camera is exposed to light.

ISO - used when there is not as much light.

4. Photoshop

What is acceptable: Leveling and cropping of the photo

What isn't acceptable: Changing the photo to the point where it is unrecognizable, and changing the body features of subjects

5. Portraits

Environmental portrait - taken in the subject's usual environment.

Self portrait - taken of a single subject with a set up.

Casual portrait - a photo taken of a single subject

6. Photogaphic Terms 

Exposure:  the amount of light per unit area in a photo

Depth of Field: the distance between the nearest and furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.

Focal length: the distance between the center of a lens and its focus

7. Magazine Covers

Early magazine covers: consisted of a title, author, and occasionally a small illustration without relation to the content of the magazine.

Poster magazine covers: consisted of a large image lacking relation to the magazine taking up the whole cover leaving some space for the magazine title.

Married to Type magazine covers: consists of a general image in the center of the cover and the title as well as article names intended to draw the reader in along the sides of the image with matching font and colors.

Forest of Words magazine covers: obnoxious "shouting" text covering the cover with articles and their summaries as well as an image hidden behind the text and a title.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Video 1:
In video 1, the model's eyes were widened, her neck was slimmed and elongated, her lips were plumped, her face was slimmed and her brow bones were moved down.

Video 2:
The model's eyes were widened, her shoulder was elongated, her stomach was slimmed, her legs were slimmed and elongated. her neck was elongated, her neck was slimmed, her hair color and skin color were changed, her face was blurred and perfected, her eyes were tinted blue and her stretch marks were removed.

Video 3:
In this video, the model was almost completely rid of all the fat on her body. The photoshopper slimmed her waist, her arms, her neck, her face, her legs, and her back.They even added hair to her head.

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?

It is not ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like the ones above. This is because it is an unreal, fake image of what society expects women to look like. No one looks like this and this fake image puts a pressure on girls and women to change themselves to look like this altered image.

5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of 


It would be more ethically wrong to 

6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?

Types of changes that would be okay are the whitening of teeth, 

7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.

Fashion photography is different than photojournalism because in fashion photography, they are trying to sell beauty and the idea of perfection. Photojournalism is appealing to interest, reality, and the emotional effects of images. It focuses on the beauty of reality instead of a false beauty that is desired by society.

8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?

When it comes to photojournalism photography, the photos usually portray an opinion or reality. Fashion photography portrays an image that attracts sales. These images sell.

9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?

You are showing us these videos because you want us to experience the truth of the reality of fashion photography.

10. Why are none of these videos about guys???

None of these videos are about guys because being the dominant sex in society, they are not pressured nearly as much as women and girls are to look "perfect" in the eye of society. Guys do not have to be "perfect" to sell.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cover Types

1. Early Magazine Covers

Early magazine covers tended to have more words than pictures. Magazine covers were very similar to book covers at the time and had little to no pictures at all on them. Some only had a tittle, publisher, and a small illustration without relation to the magazine while others had a title, publisher, and table of contents or description of the magazine.

2. The Poster Cover

The poster cover style of magazines mainly consisted of a huge picture and the tittle and publisher in small font. Magazine companies would choose a picture that may have slightly related to the magazine. The magazines felt that their one chosen cover picture expressed the magazine thoroughly when it really was not related to the articles in the magazine at all.

 3. Pictures Married to Type

This style of magazine covers insures that the words and picture of a magazine are paired together for maximum desire to the eye. Magazines find a way to design the cover lines of articles to cohesively go with the cover art or picture on the magazine. With this style of magazine, a reader or passerby can quickly get a glimpse of what the magazine features to see if their interest in purchasing a magazine is sparked.

 4. In the Forest of Words

The in the forest of words magazine style boasts lots of big words and as well as a cover picture and the name of the magazine. Unlike pictures married to type, the attention of the reader is more so directed to the cover lines than the cover picture itself. To the reader, the magazine cover's cover lines are almost shouting, commanding attention to themselves to turn heads and spark interest in the possible buyer of the magazine.

My Favorite Cover

Description: "For our August 2014 issue, FamilyFun commissioned photographer Sabrina Helas to shoot our cover story on family road trips. The minute we saw this image in the film, we knew we had our cover. Shot at The Corner Store in San Pedro, CA, the photo is filled with the kind of joyful, authentic details we love — the vintage blue bottle, the candy bracelet, the world's best burger, and a side-glancing smile of delight from 6-year-old Isaac. Intriguing and spontaneous-feeling, it sums up what our brand is all about: making happy memories with your kids." - See more at: http://www.magazine.org/asme/magazine-cover-contest/past-winners-finalists/2015-winners-finalists#sthash.uP58Y4Hm.dpuf
Critique: I really liked this photo because it gave me a sense of well being. There is natural lighting which will make any photo pop. The lighting and the colors of the picture go very well together. The scene is very colorful yet not too distracting that they take away from the subject which is the little boy. Also, the font and the colors of the words on the magazine suit the picture and the colors inside the picture very well. 80 The little boy in the photo is smiling and seems to be enjoying a burger, creating a warm and playful mood and since the magazine is directed towards families, suits the magazine perfectly.

Best Magazine Covers 2015


Magazine Tips

When designing a magazine cover, you should be thinking about...

1. the image's appeal
2. arousing curiosity
3. the intellectual stimulation
4. if the magazine is worth the reader's money and time.

Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier

A. The most powerful image from the slideshow is when the man is hiding with the gun behind the green leaves. This is the most powerful image because it represents the man's experience on the war field.

B. Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #3?
Set 2 - basic training - Image #4? to Image #8?
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #9? to Image #27?
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver

C. The images of when he is in basic training are the most powerful images because they represent the boy transitioning into a soldier and preparing himself for war.

D. The images all work together to tell a story through their changing appearance over time. I am guessing that the time of the pictures is spanned across a year. They show the comparison between the subject before he joined the army as well as his journey through training and the war.

E. When Ian is the only subject, the captions for the photos are in present tense.

F. The captions make the photos seem like they are more real and the viewer is able to insert themselves into the photo and experience the surroundings in their own way.

G. Ian Fisher faced the need and want to fight as a teenager. He liked to party and soon decided for himself that he wanted to show his patriotism for his country which lead him to join the army hoping that his thirst for a fight would be fulfilled by the army while following his father's footsteps. He faces issues with authority however got over them and was able to survive training camp as well as being in the army. He wanted to go to Iraq however, he ended up only an hour away from his fighting and partying lifestyle which caused a great internal conflict inside of him.

Self Portraits and Portraits 1

5. Move Your Subject Out of their Comfort Zone

15. Hold Your Camera on an Angle

16. Take Unfocused Shots

Environmental Self Portraits
I really liked this picture because I loved how the sunlight reflected of of the horse's hair. The background also looks nicely with the subject of the horse and the horse's owner.

This picture is very interesting to me because I love how the light creates a hazy sort of appearance on the yarn. The colors look amplified because of the light.The photo is very evenly balanced.

Photography Self Portrait
I liked this photo because it felt more old fashioned and I liked that factor about it. The mirror reflection intrigued me because I was not used to the view of the subject being reflected in a smaller frame. Framing is very evident in this photo and I think that that is why I chose this photo.

I liked this photo mostly because I liked the deeper meaning behind it. The deeper meaning could be a number of things but when I saw this photo, I saw it as a girl who was hiding under a mask of who she thought that society wanted her to be or look like.

Casual Portrait
I liked this picture because I thought that the blurred background brought out the colors in the baby's clothes. Since the background was blurred out, the main focus was brought to the baby.

I liked this picture because as I searched for a casual portrait, this person seemed to be the only person that was actually generally happy. All the other subjects seemed to be just acting for the photo, however this picture is very raw and is not fake because the subject is portraying they're emotions as they truly are.

       For my self portrait assignment, I plan to photograph my friend Olivia. Olivia is a dancer and i plan to photograph her outdoors in a field dancing. I also have a closet in my house that I can put up a white sheet as a backdrop and experiment using different types and sources of lighting to get close ups of Olivia's face.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Love and Loss Warm Up

1. What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these images?

As I looked throughout the images, I felt very touched emotionally. I felt very sorrowful for the subject of the images. They made me very sad especially the last picture showing the woman's grave stone.

2. The photographer said this: "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos?

I think that when the photographer said this, he meant that he and the subject were aware of the cancer, however they were accepting of it and understood what it meant for them. 

3. Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation?

I think that I would not be able to shoot pictures like this if I was in the same situation because I would feel that I was exposing too much of my private life with the world.

4. If you could write Angelo a letter, what would you say to him?

If I could write Angelo a letter, I would say that I was sorry for his loss and I would explain to him that his pictures were beautiful and showed lots of emotion and that they were very powerful images.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Rules of Photography: Part II


Rule of thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

symmetry and patterns






Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I truly loved the pictures of the animals in Africa. They were so good, I too could have easily believed that they were staged pictures. I am very impressed with the photographers patience because it took a VERY long time just to take a few pictures. The images look so majestic as do the subjects in the pictures.

In this picture, a lone elephant is standing in the middle of a field. On the right side of the photo, a dust cloud starts to engulf the elephant. On the left side, the air is clear. 

The rule of simplicity is evident in the photo. There are no distractions in the background behind the elephant. Simplicity means that the background is clear, leaving a big impression on the subject.

Nick Brandt uses a Penax 67. He chooses to use this camera because he likes the impurities that show up on the film.

Brandt takes these photos because he finds them beautiful and he wants to preserve the slowly dying population of animals in Africa.

He hopes that people will see these stunning pictures and will want to help preserve the wildlife.
"My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing." - Nick Brandt

Monday, October 26, 2015

Funny Captions

It is now 2:00 in the afternoon and Grandma is currently inside a grocery store in the fresh produce section because she wanted to get some onions.  Right now, Grandma is very frustrated with life because her daughters and sons used the only onions that she had in the Thanksgiving mashed potatoes. Grandma wanted to use those onions on the turkey and therefore has given up on people because having children and grandchildren as well as the rest of her family all together on Thanksgiving is extremely stressful. She thinks that wearing her " I hate everyone" shirt will make her family want to stay away from her and not want to talk to her.

It is currently 4:00 in the afternoon on an overcast day as Grandma patiently sits in the "out of control" booth. Grandma accidentally got a little too "turned up" at the fair today and is now a little "out of control."

At some random time during the day, a happy pair of man and dog have a heart to heart on the sidewalk. Grandpa and Stewart the dog share the same feelings and opinions of life at the moment and are both happily at ease with each other.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Post Shoot and Peer Reflections

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?

I followed the composition rule of lines.

.2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject in this photo is the three girls that are drawing.

3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
It is clear that the subject is the three girls.

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?

The subject in this photo is the three girls that are drawing.

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?

I followed the composition rule of lines because the girl's arm leads to what she is writing.

.2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject in this photo is the girl that is writing.

3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
It is clear that the subject is the girl writing.

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?

The picture is a tad bit blurry so I could have fixed that.

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?

I followed the composition rule of thirds because the girl's head is on the top left intersection.

.2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject in this photo is the girl that is drawing.

3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
It is very clear that the subject is the girl that is drawing.

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?

I could have brightened up the picture a little bit.

Mural Project and Great Black and White Photographers pt. 3

Mural Project

1. What theme, that we could take here at school, could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
We could use the them sports to do a series of photo panels like this to put around the school.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?

We should open it up to our regular cameras for those people who do not have a camera phone.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?

I would want to put the mural on the wall connecting either a and b halls or f and e halls.

Ansel Adams

What first caught my eye while looking at my favorite master photographers photos was  how he made nature look so much more interesting and beautiful to look at. I was intrigued by the way he added so much more depth to nature.

( I will be taking the perspective of Ansel Adams for the following questions)

I see

photo 1-I see curving s shapes in the water and sand. I see a sun setting on a beach with gentle waves. The beauty of the scene takes my breath away.
photo 2-I see big rocks and canyons. The rocks are rough and worn. There is an indentation on the ground where I can tell was worn away by moving water.

I smell

photo 1-I smell the salt and fish in the air. The smell of salt is a bit overwhelming but I eventually got used to it. The beauty of the scenery outweighs the smell.
photo 2- I smell the hot stuffy air from inside the canyon. It overwhelms my nostrils and it is hard to breathe. It reminds me of a sauna.

I hear

photo 1- I hear the cry of seagulls and the calming sound of the rolling waves. I could fall asleep listening to the sound of waves. The screeching seagulls are a clear sign that I am at the coast.
photo 2-I hear the vast expanse of nothing for miles. I can faintly hear the strong wind blowing. The silence calms me.

I feel

photo 1- I feel the grainy texture of the sand under my feet and the strong wind blowing against me. The ignorant sand is all over me! It is on my clothes and all over my hands and feet, I cannot dust it off because it sticks to me.
photo 2-I feel the the edges of the rock that has been smoothed by the wind and water over thousands of years. The winds lifts my hair. I feel the hot weather from the deep canyon.

I taste

photo 1-I taste the salt and sand on my tongue. The sand is grainy and salty. I try to spit it out but it sticks to my tongue.
photo 2-I taste the hot air and as I go farther down into the canyon, it gets harder to breathe. My throat feels as though it is closing up. A breath of cool air would be nice, i think.

I would like to create a blog for my photographer to show my peers of his photography and to express my opinions of Ansel Adam's photography.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Aperture Setting F2.8

Aperture Setting F16

1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture?

We should closely relate aperture to the eyes.

2. Finish this sentence - the smaller the Aperture the larger the area in focus,  the higher the Aperture  the smaller the area in focus.

3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field?

When the aperture is less, the depth of field is greater.

High Shutter Speed

Low Shutter Speed

At the beginning while the sun was still up and the courtyard had reasonable good light

a.) a booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree - low shutter speed
b.) a food booth outside under one of the big red awnings - low shutter speed
c.) the Stars performance inside the gym - high shutter speed
d.) students dancing near the center of the courtyard - high shutter speed
e.) people streaming in from the front doors - high shutter speed
f.) the basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop - low shutter speed

Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other.

a.) a booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree
b.) a food booth outside under one of the big red awnings
c.) the Stars performance inside the gym
d.) students dancing near the center of the courtyard
e.) people streaming in from the front doors
f.) the basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop

ISO 200

ISO 6400

1. What are the advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game?

There is more light to the photo if it is dark

2. What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO?

The author said that yo should use the lowest ISO when there is plenty of light.

3. What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO?

The author said to use the highest ISO when there is a shortage or lack of light.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos

       I think that Christian Rhum's work is very visually interesting and simple. I really like the simple background of the work. The pairing of the dizzy, multiple pictures along with the simple background gives the picture a calm, yet dazed feel. I think that to capture these photos, Christian had to take multiple pictures of the same subject and then overlay them on the same photo frame. A nice subject for this type of photography would be the Empire State Building. This building is very tall and it has a very detailed structure. The Empire State building is in New York and I would not have easy access to it since I live in Austin, Texas.

Part 2

Part 3

1.Being able to capture a story telling expression is an awesome skill to have as a photographer.

2. What this can teach photographers is to never stop looking for the right angle to take a photo.

3.There are almost a dozen different stories going on here and none of them are distracting each other.