Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I truly loved the pictures of the animals in Africa. They were so good, I too could have easily believed that they were staged pictures. I am very impressed with the photographers patience because it took a VERY long time just to take a few pictures. The images look so majestic as do the subjects in the pictures.

In this picture, a lone elephant is standing in the middle of a field. On the right side of the photo, a dust cloud starts to engulf the elephant. On the left side, the air is clear. 

The rule of simplicity is evident in the photo. There are no distractions in the background behind the elephant. Simplicity means that the background is clear, leaving a big impression on the subject.

Nick Brandt uses a Penax 67. He chooses to use this camera because he likes the impurities that show up on the film.

Brandt takes these photos because he finds them beautiful and he wants to preserve the slowly dying population of animals in Africa.

He hopes that people will see these stunning pictures and will want to help preserve the wildlife.
"My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing." - Nick Brandt

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