Monday, September 28, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos

       I think that Christian Rhum's work is very visually interesting and simple. I really like the simple background of the work. The pairing of the dizzy, multiple pictures along with the simple background gives the picture a calm, yet dazed feel. I think that to capture these photos, Christian had to take multiple pictures of the same subject and then overlay them on the same photo frame. A nice subject for this type of photography would be the Empire State Building. This building is very tall and it has a very detailed structure. The Empire State building is in New York and I would not have easy access to it since I live in Austin, Texas.

Part 2

Part 3

1.Being able to capture a story telling expression is an awesome skill to have as a photographer.

2. What this can teach photographers is to never stop looking for the right angle to take a photo.

3.There are almost a dozen different stories going on here and none of them are distracting each other.

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