Friday, October 16, 2015

Mural Project and Great Black and White Photographers pt. 3

Mural Project

1. What theme, that we could take here at school, could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
We could use the them sports to do a series of photo panels like this to put around the school.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?

We should open it up to our regular cameras for those people who do not have a camera phone.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?

I would want to put the mural on the wall connecting either a and b halls or f and e halls.

Ansel Adams

What first caught my eye while looking at my favorite master photographers photos was  how he made nature look so much more interesting and beautiful to look at. I was intrigued by the way he added so much more depth to nature.

( I will be taking the perspective of Ansel Adams for the following questions)

I see

photo 1-I see curving s shapes in the water and sand. I see a sun setting on a beach with gentle waves. The beauty of the scene takes my breath away.
photo 2-I see big rocks and canyons. The rocks are rough and worn. There is an indentation on the ground where I can tell was worn away by moving water.

I smell

photo 1-I smell the salt and fish in the air. The smell of salt is a bit overwhelming but I eventually got used to it. The beauty of the scenery outweighs the smell.
photo 2- I smell the hot stuffy air from inside the canyon. It overwhelms my nostrils and it is hard to breathe. It reminds me of a sauna.

I hear

photo 1- I hear the cry of seagulls and the calming sound of the rolling waves. I could fall asleep listening to the sound of waves. The screeching seagulls are a clear sign that I am at the coast.
photo 2-I hear the vast expanse of nothing for miles. I can faintly hear the strong wind blowing. The silence calms me.

I feel

photo 1- I feel the grainy texture of the sand under my feet and the strong wind blowing against me. The ignorant sand is all over me! It is on my clothes and all over my hands and feet, I cannot dust it off because it sticks to me.
photo 2-I feel the the edges of the rock that has been smoothed by the wind and water over thousands of years. The winds lifts my hair. I feel the hot weather from the deep canyon.

I taste

photo 1-I taste the salt and sand on my tongue. The sand is grainy and salty. I try to spit it out but it sticks to my tongue.
photo 2-I taste the hot air and as I go farther down into the canyon, it gets harder to breathe. My throat feels as though it is closing up. A breath of cool air would be nice, i think.

I would like to create a blog for my photographer to show my peers of his photography and to express my opinions of Ansel Adam's photography.

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