Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier

A. The most powerful image from the slideshow is when the man is hiding with the gun behind the green leaves. This is the most powerful image because it represents the man's experience on the war field.

B. Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #3?
Set 2 - basic training - Image #4? to Image #8?
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #9? to Image #27?
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver

C. The images of when he is in basic training are the most powerful images because they represent the boy transitioning into a soldier and preparing himself for war.

D. The images all work together to tell a story through their changing appearance over time. I am guessing that the time of the pictures is spanned across a year. They show the comparison between the subject before he joined the army as well as his journey through training and the war.

E. When Ian is the only subject, the captions for the photos are in present tense.

F. The captions make the photos seem like they are more real and the viewer is able to insert themselves into the photo and experience the surroundings in their own way.

G. Ian Fisher faced the need and want to fight as a teenager. He liked to party and soon decided for himself that he wanted to show his patriotism for his country which lead him to join the army hoping that his thirst for a fight would be fulfilled by the army while following his father's footsteps. He faces issues with authority however got over them and was able to survive training camp as well as being in the army. He wanted to go to Iraq however, he ended up only an hour away from his fighting and partying lifestyle which caused a great internal conflict inside of him.

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