Sunday, September 6, 2015

Camera questions

1. Explain the “camera obscura” effect. How is it achieved? The camera obscure effect occurs when in a very dark room. There is a very small hole in one wall and the image outside of the hole is projected onto the opposite wall. In English camera obscure means dark room.

2. What invention during the 17th Century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera? The invention of the high quality glass lenses, invented by Christian Huygins and Isaac Newton.

3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce? Neipce created film to finish the camera.

4.What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce’s camera? Modern digital cameras and Niepce's camera both process images the same way.

5. What do digital cameras use to capture an image? In stead of the plastic film used before, digital cameras use a CCD which is an electronic sensor. This method is cheaper and better for the environment.

6. What is the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode? In auto mode, the camera controls the flash and the exposure, in Program mode, you can  control flash and some other settings.

7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work? The Portrait mode is used for blurring out a background and focusing on the center.

8. What is the Sports mode used for? (not just sports) How does it work? The sports mode is used to freeze motion.

9. Why should you do a half press on the trigger button? The half press gives the camera time to focus on the subject and its surroundings.

10. What does this symbol mean? The lighting symbol symbolizes flash and that the camera thinks that the lighting level is low.

When would you use this? You would use this whenever it is dark or if you want a different effect on your pictures.

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