Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Ethics in the Age of Digital Manipulation describes occurrences where photographers working for newspapers have been fired in the past due to manipulating and photo shopping photos. Many of the pictures were taken of very serious events that had occurred and photographed.

Personally, I think this type of photo editing is unethical because the newspapers are basically lying to people. Newspapers are generally known for broadcasting the truth. People deserve to know the truth about import events like in the category of politics. This is unacceptable and the people that got fired for photoshopping should have gotten fired. This is basically a form of lying and the newspapers should just be giving the information to the public untouched and raw.

Most Unethical

This photo shopped picture of Oprah is the most unethical example of photoshopping because TV Guide photo shopped her head onto Ann Margaret's body. This is very unacceptable and disgusting. The company had no right to do this to Oprah unless she gave the company her permission. They are falsely advertising a real human being by distorting their body parts and pasting two  totally different people together. This is basically stating that Oprah's body is not good enough for the cover of their magazine when really, if they want to post a picture of her, should feel comfortable using a photo of the REAL Oprah and ALL of her body parts!

Least Unethical
This picture is the least unethical because it is quite obvious that the tear coming out of the subject's eye is false. The makers of the magazine also credited the illustrator of the tear and explained in the magazine that it was false. A reader can easily tell that this picture was edited and revised.

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